Are You Ready for a Change? (Gospel Light Minute X #390)

This is the “chief of sinners,” Daniel Whyte III, president of Gospel Light Society International, with the Gospel Light Minute X Podcast #390 titled, “Are You Ready for a Change?” I’m here to remind you of what the Bible says, that “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” like you and me.

Fueled by unfulfilled promises, unrealized hopes, and increasing difficulties, “It’s time for a change” has become a common theme with both politicians and the general public.


Within the recent past, changes have occurred with surprising suddenness. Governments once thought to be stable have been toppled. Financial institutions have failed. Once-successful businesses have collapsed. Even more significantly, the moral fabric of society has been shattered by turning away from God and the principles of His Word, the Bible. The “do what feels good” mentality—casting off restraint and rejecting authority—has broken up families and ruined lives. This is nothing but lawlessness, the essence of sin, which has brought the disillusion, disease, death, and destruction we see all around us. Continue reading “Are You Ready for a Change? (Gospel Light Minute X #390)”

WATCH: What Does the Future Hold? (Gospel Light Minute X #377)

This is the “chief of sinners,” Daniel Whyte III, president of Gospel Light Society International, with the Gospel Light Minute X Podcast #377 titled, “What Does the Future Hold?” I’m here to remind you of what the Bible says, that “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” like you and me.

Most people seem to think that the world is becoming, or will inevitably become, a better place in which to live. It is felt that through education, diplomacy, and scientific advances, most people will live longer, better, and more peaceful lives than any who have lived before. Is this really what’s next?

Not according to Jesus! Not long before He left this world about two thousand years ago He said, “As the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be”. There are two very important things in this statement. First, Jesus reiterates His promise to return to the world (more about this later). Second, when He comes, the condition of the world will be the same as it was in the days of Noah. What is said about the world then? We are told, “The earth was corrupt” and “filled with violence”. The headlines on the evening news and in the world’s newspapers every day show that in spite of our “advanced civilization” and modern technology, these two evils—corruption and violence—are filling the world today. Continue reading “WATCH: What Does the Future Hold? (Gospel Light Minute X #377)”